You really should not fret if you cannot afford high-end designer goods. There are plenty of look-alike in the market that you can buy for a fraction of the price. These goods are not fake, but they are designed in a way so similar to the original ones. Take a look at my previous post about satchel where I placed an Alexa bag from Mulberry side by side to the Saba bag. Unless one spends some time observing, he or she will hardly notice the difference.Here are other examples:
Balenciaga City Regular Hardware and Elise Whipstich Bag from Witchery ($269.95) |
Balenciaga Day Bag and Saba Zeus Hobo Bag ($279.30) |
Mulberry Bayswater - Jigsaw Black Satchel ($399) - Mono Studded Tote Bag from ($69.95) |
Sometimes all you need to do is researching. Seek and you shall find!
1 comment:
I still prefer designer brands, you feel different when you carry them.
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